TAXINDIAONLINE.COM is a unique and focused portal on taxation, infrastructure, bureaucracy and international trade. We are a potent combination of news and technical services covering virtually the entire spectrum of taxation and trade. What speaks of our credibility and promptness in providing information with authenticity is the fact that we are the only tax-based portal to be recognized by the Ministry of Finance for dissemination of information to tax assesses. The very fact that a large number top policy makers, including Ministers, depend on us for proper feedback to the whole gamut of policy initiatives and the working of tax administration, speaks volumes about the authenticity and reach of our services.

Thanks to the exclusivity of our information and soundness of quality in other services we have a huge gamut of Corporate Members besides virtually all Commissionerates of income tax, Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax. What makes us number one tax portal is the massive ambit of coverage of different segments of the economy. There is hardly any segment that doesn't depend on our information for key decision-making. You name the who's who of the MNC world, corporate world, exporters and importers, financial companies, banks, service providers, shipping lines, tax advocates, consultants and huge number of policy-makers and taxmen and they are there on our member’s list. We also have huge number of NRIs and overseas visitors to the site.

This is certainly the best place for Brand-building and for seeking business response by any pioneer service provider like yours. What may give you better idea about our potential is the number of Banner Ads we are carrying at present and those that we carry in a phased manner.

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